How do I block a website or IP address?

Control Feature

Up to 50 total sites can be manually blocked at the network, person, and device levels combined.  IP addresses can only be blocked if you have Outbound IP Protection and Intrusion Prevention enabled. 


Blocking a website at the network level or the person level

  1. From the Home page, tap on the Guard events.  
  2. Go to the Block tab and choose for whom you want to block the website. 
    • All - applies to all devices on the network.
    • At home - applies to all devices not assigned to a person
    • Person - applies to all devices assigned to that person
  3. Tap on Block.
  4. Choosing Block Website allows you to enter the URL of the domain, while Block IP Address allows you to enter the server IP address. 
  5. Enter the URL or IP address and tap on Block. Please note that the full domain name is required. For example; make sure to write "" instead of "youtube". 
  6. Tap on Apply to confirm the changes.

Blocking a website at a device Level

  1. Navigate to the desired device.
  2. Scroll down to Events at the bottom of the page and tap on View all
  3. Go to Block tab and then tap on Block... 
  4. Choose either Block Website or Block IP Address
  5. Enter the URL or IP Address you wish to block and tap the checkmark to save. Please note that the full domain name is required for websites. For example; make sure to write ""  instead of "youtube".
  6. Tap on Block to save.  

Please remember that a website blocked for a person will automatically be blocked on all the devices assigned to that person and vice-versa.