How is Advanced IoT Device Protection different from Online Protection?

Online Protection and Advanced IoT Protection are both features of Guard. Online Protection protects all your connected home devices from going to sites already known to host malware, spam, or phishing attacks. Advanced IoT Protection provides protection from new, unknown attacks that are currently not part of any known threat intelligence database.

Advanced IoT Protection detects unusual patterns in your IoT device's activity that may indicate the device is infected. If the device attempts to connect to a site that is not considered part of its usual behavior, the connection is blocked and the device is quarantined from the rest of the local network. The quarantine prevents the possible infection from spreading to the rest of your devices on the network until you decide what to do with the quarantined device. 

How to enable Advanced IoT Protection    

Advanced IoT Protection can be enabled for the entire network via the Guard menu from within the Menu & Settings page, although it can also be enabled at the person level. 

Online Protection must already be enabled before you enable Advanced IoT Protection.